Food to Prevent Erectile Dysfunction [xQ72GtHEq]
Food to Prevent Erectile Dysfunction [xQ72GtHEq]
Fortunately I don’t suffer of this issue, but many men will if they don’t take some simple dietary steps now. I read that the higher your LDL levels are (bad cholesterol) then the chances are greater of suffering erectile dysfunction (and potentially impotence). I read that the selenium in the couscous help lower the risk of heart disease by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress in your body. Furthermore, its antioxidant function can also help reduce the buildup of plaque and “bad” LDL cholesterol on artery veins and walls. So clearly high cholesterol can make the body more difficult to produce the necessary chemicals to create an erection. Eat healthy. Let’s Create! NOTE: If you are having health issues it is highly recommended you seek medical advice. I am not a physician and my comments are only based on medical articles and my own personal experience.
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Aired: December 3rd 2024
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