Marijuana and Diabetes: What's All the High - Er, Hype - About? [IxJaqSiSt]
Marijuana and Diabetes: What's All the High - Er, Hype - About? [IxJaqSiSt]
In many states it’s legal to smoke it, eat it, bake it, squirt it, drink it, and use it as an ointment, but is marijuana safe for people with diabetes? Dr. Pettus is doing research on it right now, and he shares what we know so far. For a deeper dive into this topic, watch Dr. Pettus' lecture here: We've got tons of other great educational and entertaining resources on living a long and healthy life with diabetes on our website and on social: Website: Blog: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Stay connected! Sign up for our free monthly e-newsletter here: T1D Facebook group: T2D Facebook group: Facebook group for family and friends of people living with diabetes: Please consider helping TCOYD continue to improve the lives of those living with diabetes by supporting our educational programs:
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Aired: December 3rd 2024
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